AEGAON will be represented at "Kellojen Kevät" event held in Turku city in Finland on 27-th February 2019. The event is hosted annually by "Old School Kellokauppa Kultaviljaset Oy" who kindly invited us to participate.
"Kellojen Kevät" is one of a kind event for watch enthusiasts and everyone who are interested in the art of watchmaking. There will be more than 25 exhibitors of luxury watches, vintage watches, new watches, watch accessory suppliers and also the Finnish School Of Watchmaking.
AEGAON is no longer a stranger to the Finnish market. We've had a rapidly growing interest from our northern neighbours - both customers and media. This has led AEGAON to set its marketing focus on Finland in 2019.
Here is the current list of participants of "Kellojen Kevät" which will be updated regularly at the event site in Facebook.
Kellokonttori Helsinki
Ranneaika Imatra
Sörkan Kello
Sipilän Kello
Timanttiset Hansa/ Kelloliike Jokinen
Kelloliike Salonen
City Gold
Gello Luxury Watches
Laaksosen Kello
De Motu
Turun Kelloharrastajat Facebook-ryhmä
Veikko Ahoniemi - vanhojen kellojen asiantuntija
Kelloseppäkoulu - The Finnish School of Watchmaking
Citizen Suomi
Saarni - Gentelemen's Boutique
Sommo Straps
Aegaon Watches, Viro
Kellokauppa KultaViljaset - Turun Omega Service Center
Tapahtuman juontaja: Flippi Galleryn Mika Puustelli
Tapahtuman Media-kumppani: Stylefellow
Lisätiedot ja näytteilleasettajien paikkavaraukset: tarja.viljanen(at)