Already the third AEGAON Open Golf Cup was held on Sunday at Jõelähtme EGCC golf course with 78 participants. For the very first time in the history of the tournament, a special AEGAON team was put together consisting of random players. It was also the first time for a very special traveling trophy, made by Mr. Kristjan Oden who is more known as a musician from bands such as Winny Puhh, Redel, and also as a stand-up comedian.
Despite interesting weather forecasts and the need to prove one's safety towards fellow golfers with tests and vaccination certificates, a good number of 78 players from 94 registered had gathered in front of the clubhouse early Sunday morning. AEGAON marketing manager and founding member Mr. Kristjan Rabi welcomed everyone and thanked the organiser of the tournament Mr. Peep Tammemäe for bringing AEGAON watches into golf.

“It was three years ago when Peep first walked in our door and said something we couldn’t argue with – one needs time to play golf. Our brand name and the whole philosophy tied to golf made so much sense together, so here we are today with a prize table greater than ever”, said Mr. Rabi.
An important milestone along with long term plans got molded into a symbol in the form of a traveling trophy for the best male and female players. The genius mind and golden hands behind this very special piece of art that caught a lot of attention, belong to Mr. Kristjan Oden.
“Golf is a great way to spend your time outdoors. To me, AEGAON and golf are a perfect match, therefore the concept of the trophy - a golf club holding a watch movement, which is cast in resin gives the impression of stopped time. In other words – take your time to play golf”, Oden applied.
Also for the very first time in the history of the tournament, an AEGAON team of four was put together by random players who had sent their applications. Since more people applied than anticipated, the team was settled with a lottery. All the lottery winners were given a chance to practice a day at EGCC under the guidance of Estonian number one golfer - Sander Aadusaar. The team was Marko Zlatin, Virmo Põldme, Otto Kalde and Erkki Sarapuu, who finished the tournament soaking wet from rain, but with a positive emotion, one could only be jealous of.
The only team member appointed by AEGAON as the “joker” was Mr. Erkki Sarapuu who is best known to estonians as a TV show host from TV3. He managed to score well that day and brought one home for the team in the group of 20,1-36,0.

The best players of the tournament were Apawan Chinglek with 70 pts in the women’s group of 0-15.0 and Janar Toomesso with 69 pts in the men’s group of 0-10.0. Their names will be the first ones to go down on the AEGAON traveling trophy, which will take a permanent place in EGCC clubhouse trophy stand for all the visitors to enjoy.

All prizes were handed out by AEGAON founding members Kristjan Rabi (on the left) and Janno Roodi (on the right), who both, unfortunately, got seriously infected by golf and are now forced to take the green card courses. AEGAON would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone once again, especially Peep Tammemäe, EGCC golf club, Sander Aadusaar, Kristjan Oden, all the players, and of course our new and old friends from the AEGAON team - see you on the green!
Check out the whole amazing photo gallery by Mats Soomre: HERE
Check out the results of the tournament: HERE