POSTIMEHE EKSKLUSIIVNE KÜLASKÄIK September 24, 2018Me ei lase just tihti võõraid silmapaare oma tootmisruumidesse. Tegime Postimehele erandi ja näitasime, kuidas valmib üks AEGAON käekell. Juttu sinna kõrvale jätkus lausa kolmeks tunniks, aga kuna paber ei...
NÜÜD SAAB AEGAON E-POES TASUDA KA EESTI PANGALINKIDE KAUDU August 24, 2018Kus on siin pealkirjas uudis? Peaks ju olema tänapäeval täiesti elementaarne, et Eesti inimene saab Eesti tooteid Eesti e-poest osta oma Eesti pangalingi kaudu tasudes. Oleme 110% nõus, kuid selgitame...
AEGAON SUPPORTS ESTONIAN RALLY August 17, 2018The first Estonian watchmaker AEGAON and South-Estonian Rally team have once again agreed to have Estonian watches on the prize table. This means, that the best racers can look forward to...
END OF "TABULA RASA" AUTOMATIC July 1, 2018AEGAON "Tabula Rasa"automatic is sold out in our e-store. The last few watches are available in our shop at Aia 5b, Tallinn and our re-seller at They will be...
VISIT AEGAON SHOP IN TALLINN May 28, 2018The very first AEGAON shop in the world is now open. Visit us at AIA 5B in Tallinn, from Monday to Friday, 10 AM - 6 PM. After selling only online...
REVIEWED BY "NEW LABELS ONLY" April 2, 2018Review of the Tubula Rasa 44″ Quartz We have been very lucky to be provided a watch from Aegaon Watches and it is the Tabula Rasa Quartz. Before we find...